Jen, Jackson, Sarah and Abby--convenient how we hold them in front of us to hide the jelly bellies, huh?!
Abby felt free to take Shepherd's toys and put them in her mouth as if they were her own.
Jackson is a happy boy, all ready for cute!
All the cousins...Shepherd, Jackson and Eva playing together...what fun!
Speaking of cousins, in Kansas City we were able to play with James' cousins' children. This is Ashley and Abby, briefly together so I could snap a picture. It was very fun to meet all the new additions to the Goodman family since we were there last, and enjoy yummy a Goodman brunch.
Also while we were in Kansas City, the Farthing crew came over to Grandma and Grandpa Goodman's house for a play date. It was very fun to see them again and see how much they had grown, just since we saw them in October.
Joe and Henry...what you can't hear is Henry's adorable belly laugh about now.
Ian was walking like a champ and enjoying the freedom...Henry and Abby have lots to look forward to...they'll be there soon!
We loved seeing all of these friends and wish we could see them more often. We'll hope that our paths cross again soon, and will keep up with the blogs in the meantime.
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