Sunday, January 27, 2008

11 months old

Abby turned 11 months old when we were in Lakeland. Granma and Granpa enjoyed watching her take a few steps which turned into several and then many steps by the end of the week. She actually sat still long enough to listen to a few stories from Granma...who makes way better animal sounds than mom does.

Abby opened her birthday presents from Granma and Granpa early..and has enjoyed playing with them since we've been back. I'll post pictures of her cute little birthday dress soon as soon as I can chase her down.

I think I remember this routine from about a month ago...something about pulling the paper and finding a fun toy inside?!

A new toy for the favorite activity of the day...bathtime!

Abby likes putting everything in buckets, bags and cups...and then taking them out...and then putting them back in...and then taking them out. It's great fun!

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